Categories: entertainment

The last part of Priyotir's Irish film was shot in Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk Miss Ireland Maqsuda Akhter Priyoti's Irish film 'Cocolan' will shoot the last part in Bangladesh.

Director Kieron Davies made his first film 'Wonderland' with Priyati. Priyati's second Irish film is 'Cocolan'. Kieran is also producing this movie.

The majority of the shooting of the movie has already been completed. But the rest of the shooting may take another 5/6 months to complete. Priyoti herself said that some of the rest of the shooting will be done in Bangladesh.

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Priyati told the media from Ireland, 'I am at the end of the story of the movie. So my part is still to be shot. It may take another 5/6 months. The shooting will be in Morocco this month. Besides, the movie will be shot in France, Dubai, India and Bangladesh. The movie is not only being shot in Ireland. It is being screened in different countries.'

He did not say when the shooting will start in Bangladesh. Priyati said that the date and location of the shooting could not be said. The reason is that it depends on the schedule of other performers. It will be finalized in Bangladesh. That's why Priyoti said that the shooting of the Bangladesh part will be done last.

This film is being made based on the life of the Irish super hero Cocolan. Priyoti of Bangladeshi origin is playing the role of Yoddharani in it. Which is quite challenging to implement. Priity learned swordsmanship, knifemanship, archery for this film. Although the character of Priyoti is negative, it is a very important role in the story of the movie. The director himself is playing the role of 'Kokolan' opposite Priyati. Priyati also said that if everything goes well, this movie will be released in 2017.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮, ২০১৭ 11:52 pm

Staff reporter

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