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Cabbage prevents cancer!

The Dhaka Times Desk Cancer is an incurable disease. So we can do whatever is necessary to cure that disease. But a very simple thing is to eat cabbage. Because cabbage prevents cancer!

Alternative dietary supplements sold in the market for diendolymethane (DIM), a chemical naturally produced by the body from cabbage and sprouts. Is it effective in the same symptoms? A group of researchers from Cardiff University is researching such a complex issue. The aim of the researchers' research is to pave the way for cancer prevention by producing alternative DIM compound chemistry in vegetables.

Cancer Research UK funded the study. It is known that every year in the UK at least 3 thousand women are affected by uterine cancer. More than 20 people come for checkups every year in Wales alone.

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The head of the research team, Professor Alison Fiander, said that the study showed the results of using DIM capsules, especially in the prevention of uterine cancer. Because just one capsule is capable of providing the same amount of DIM chemistry produced in the body by taking 2 hard copies per day. If cabbage is able to play an effective role in uterine cancer, then DIM capsules can be consumed as an alternative spread of such vegetables, the study noted.

Sue Ashman, a nurse involved in the research, said that if this study is successful, then there will be no obstacle to using DIM capsules with vegetables as an alternative food.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮, ২০১৭ 11:27 pm

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