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A millionaire's meditation center!

A billionaire $ has built a million-dollar meditation center to catch a huge market of 1 billion!

The Dhaka Times Desk Have we ever thought that anyone can build a meditation center by spending lakhs of rupees? But this time a millionaire has committed such a crime!

According to news media, a millionaire has built a million dollar meditation center to capture the huge market of $1 billion!

Our daily life is full of hustle and bustle. Work pressure, technology pressure - living conditions with various problems. What is peace if only the breath ends? But this time the people of New York City seem to have found peace. And so they run there in droves, spending money in droves. Entrepreneur billionaire Khajak Keledizian did not take time to understand people's needs. When people want to have fun in meditation and yoga in search of peace, the market for meditation and yoga in the United States has reached 1 billion US dollars!

Human attraction towards meditation-yoga has always been and always will be. And that's what Khajak Keledizian, the former boss of Intermix, is using. He opened Inscape in New York City. Its fancy name is Meditation Studio. Hundreds of thousands of people in New York are running to find peace in that studio.

Wall Street bankers flock there to calm the mind. Inscape's name hides its true functionality. According to Keledijian, the main purpose of Inscape is to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and find some peace.

Reportedly, Inscape's lobby is designed to resemble a yoga studio. Books, candles, lockers, restrooms - in short, everything is there. People are spending at least half an hour every day in that studio by spending big money.

How much does this yoga cost?

More time, more money. That is money according to time. The cost depends on the time you spend. Roughly the cost is 18 to 29 dollars, between 1200 to 2000 rupees in Indian currency. This is the minimum. That is, you have to spend thousands of rupees to sit in this yoga posture.

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