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Kim Jong Nam was killed for only 90 dollars!

A woman arrested in Indonesia on charges of murdering Kim Jong Nam has confessed

The Dhaka Times Desk An Indonesian woman arrested on charges of murdering North Korean leader Kim Jong Nam, half-brother, has confessed. He said he was only paid $90 (400 ringgit) to make a prank video!

কিম জং ন্যামকে খুন করা হয় মাত্র ৯০ ডলারের বিনিময়ে! 1

Indonesian embassy officials met with the woman named Siti Aishah last Saturday in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

Siti Aisha said she was given the money on the condition that she spray baby oil on Kim Jong Nam's face to make jokes for the reality show.

After the autopsy, the doctors said that Nam was killed by using the lethal chemical nerve agent VA. The United Nations says that this toxic weapon is the deadliest in the world. These chemical weapons were banned in 1993.

Kim Jong-Nam was assassinated in Kuala Lumpur on February 13. Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was killed in an attack by two women at Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur airport. North Korea is suspected of being behind Nam's murder, but Pyongyang has vehemently denied it.

Malaysia has so far arrested 3 people on suspicion of being involved in the murder. Besides, the police are looking for 7 people including 4 other men from North Korea.

After a 30-minute meeting with Siti Aisha, Indonesia's deputy ambassador, Andreano Erwin, said she only said that she was told to do so by someone. He (Siti) was told that he would face a Japanese or Korean national.

'According to the information he gave, the man paid him 400 ringgit to do this, he only said he was given a type of oil; Much like baby oil.' However, the embassy officials told the media that the woman was not harmed due to the chemical poison.

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