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Disabled Adriana named in the Guinness Book of Records [VIDEO]

One question is body or mind, who is ahead in strength?

The Dhaka Times Desk One more question is the body or the mind, who is better in terms of strength? However, no matter what the answer is, Adriana, who is disabled, has written her name in the Guinness Book of Records!

If you talk to Masias Hernandez at Adriana Iran, you don't want to draw any numbers, get into any kind of argument. Because even as a disabled person, he has achieved a lot of impossible things.

Adriana, 39, from Mexico, sits in front of a table. There are rows of candles on the table. Adriana will play the game she knows. He will do how many candles can be lit in 60 seconds. Adriana began now. He kept on lighting one lamp after another. Burned 11 candles to see!

Many people may think that lighting 11 candles is such a task? The question may arise in the mind after reading Nirghat's writing so much? But the story is correct. There is another side to this story. Basically, there lies the real surprise. Adriana did not light 11 candles by hand in 60 seconds. He burned with his feet! And by doing so, he took his name to the Guinness Book of Records.

Adriana has not had two hands since she was born. However, she not only overcame this handicap, but also proved that if you have the strength of your mind, you can do anything!

As Adriana continued to light the candles one by one, the deslai box was held at her feet. With his other foot, he took the stick of Deslai, rubbed it on the box and set it on fire. Then lit the candles. Adriana set this record on the Italian television show, 'Lo Show Dei'. Its previous record was 7 candles. The old record was held by Furman. Now Adriana did it.

Adriana has no hands since birth. But he not only overcame this obstacle, the Guinness Book of Records proved that what can not be done if the mind is strong!

As Adriana lit the candles one by one, she held the deslai box at her feet. With his other foot, he took the stick of Deslai, rubbed it on the box and set it on fire. Then lit the candle.

Adriana set this record on the Italian television show, 'Lo Show Dei'. Its previous record was 7 candles. The old record was held by Furman. And this time Adriana made a record.

Adriana's feat does not end here. Adriana has already written several books. Adriana is also fighting for the society to accept the disabled. Besides, Adriana does and is doing much, much more. Of course, there are daily routine tasks. For example, cooking, answering the phone, hair tie and of course makeup. All girls also love to stand in front of the mirror and dress up. Why should Adriana be an exception? In a word, Adriana does everything.

Watch VDT: You'll Be Surprised Too!
