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Mexico opens legal aid centers in 50 US cities

But migrant shelters will not 'tolerate illegality,' Mexico says

The Dhaka Times Desk Mexico has opened legal aid centers in 50 U.S. consulates to protect Mexican citizens from the harsh immigration process.

মেক্সিকো চালু করলো যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ৫০ শহরে আইনি সহায়তা কেন্দ্র 1

Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videga confirmed this. He again expressed concern about the human rights of Mexicans in the United States. But Lees said the migrant shelters would not "contribute to illegality".

The Mexican government is concerned about the impact of the regulations signed by US President Donald Trump on Mexican citizens.

He ordered federal agents to work together with local police and immigration officials to deport illegal immigrants from the country.

Mexicans who have been living in the United States for a long time are reportedly facing a long and expensive legal battle. Moreover, the possibility of expulsion from there has also been created.

It should be noted that the legal aid centers will provide free legal assistance to the new legal centers for those citizens of Mexico who feel that their rights are being violated.

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