The Dhaka Times Desk A couple went to work abroad. But one night something happened that the couple became millionaires!
Many of us believe that there is such a thing as luck. Thanks to that luck one can become a millionaire overnight. As it happened in the life of a couple Sriraj Krishnan. Recently, he became a millionaire overnight due to a stroke of luck.
Sriraj was born in Kerala, India. He moved to Abu Dhabi 9 years ago on business. Worked in a shipping company there. There with his wife. But no one dreams of financial improvement. Sriraj therefore used to buy lottery tickets regularly, hoping to get lucky. He would buy a ticket in the hope that one day he would be lucky. Sriraj would never let even a kanakadi become a lottery. Despondent Sriraj decided in his mind when he bought a lottery ticket seven days ago, this is the end, he will never spend money on lottery again. But even then he did not know what destiny had in store for him.
The next day i.e. last March 5 in the morning, there was a sudden call on Sriraj's mobile phone. Sriraj received a call from the authorities of 'Big Ticket Draw', a famous lottery company in Abu Dhabi, and informed that his ticket number 44698 had won the first prize in the lottery. It is reported that Sriraj is going to get 12.71 crore rupees in Indian currency as the first prize.
According to media reports, Sriraj and his wife are now floating in the ocean of happiness. He told the local newspaper 'Khalij Times', "When I thought I would stop buying lottery tickets due to depression, the unbelievable happened." No one can swear to what fate really does when. Shrraj and his wife came abroad one day hoping for a job. Their hope was indeed successful.
This post was last modified on মার্চ ৮, ২০১৭ 2:41 pm
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