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Ankhi Alamgir's two music videos are coming on Bengali New Year

The recording of a song with the tune and music of Alauddin Ali has already been completed

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular singer Ankhi Alamgir will be seen in the music videos of two new songs on the occasion of the upcoming Bengali New Year.

আঁখি আলমগীরের দুই মিউজিক ভিডিও আসছে বাংলা নববর্ষে 1

The recording of a song written by Shahidullah Faraji, composed and composed by Alauddin Ali has already been completed. Another song is being prepared for the New Year. The song will be composed and music by Jewel Morshed.

The song composed by Jewel Morshed is very romantic in style. It has been reported that the music video production of this song will be completed very soon after the recording is completed next week.

আঁখি আলমগীরের দুই মিউজিক ভিডিও আসছে বাংলা নববর্ষে 2

About these two new songs, Ankhi Alamgir said, 'We are bringing two new songs at the beginning of Bengali New Year. As an artist, this is something I am passionate about. Trying best to make both songs good. As a singer, I also hope to touch the hearts of the audience with singing.'

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