The Dhaka Times
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Sunrise sunsets and lost days

Days come and days go. And one by one day is lost from our life

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Sunday, 12 March 2017 AD, 28 Falgun 1423 BENGABD, 12 Jamadius Sani 1438 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

সূর্যদয় সুর্যাস্ত ও হারিয়ে যাওয়া দিন 1

Have you seen the scene when the sun rises in the morning? If you haven't seen it, wake up in the morning and watch it one day. The view in the morning when only the sun rises is very beautiful.

Of course, it's still beautiful when the sun goes down. Why a different feeling is created in the mind. At sunrise, it seems that today will be a very good day. Again, at sunset, it seems that the account of how the day was spent, whether good or bad, comes up. Thus the day comes and the day goes. And one by one day is lost from our life. Which can never be returned. That rule has been going on since the creation of the world. Everything is disappearing and when we will be lost! Big thanks to the photographer for this picture today. Image collected from Facebook.

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