The Dhaka Times
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'Muslim-Hindu equal rights in Pakistan' - Nawaz Sharif

It is the responsibility of the government to protect the religious and political rights of Hindus

The Dhaka Times Desk Hindus have the same rights as Muslims in Pakistan. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said this while standing by the Hindus while wishing Holi.

‘পাকিস্তানে মুসলিম-হিন্দু সমান অধিকার’- নওয়াজ শরিফ 1

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said, 'It is the responsibility of the government to protect the religious and political rights of Hindus. We should all be aware that no one should be deprived on the basis of religion alone. A Hindu will not be deprived of employment or other fields.'

He also said, 'There is a lot of difference between the previous Pakistan and the current Pakistan, the society is slowly changing. Peace is returning to people's lives. We need to expand this atmosphere of peace. Salk must be in harmony. It must be remembered that a Muslim and a Hindu have also contributed to the progress of this country. Not only that, just as a Muslim gives his life in the hands of militants, Hindus also have to give their lives. So there should be no discrimination in the name of religion at all. Everyone should join hands and take Pakistan further.'

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