Categories: Picturesque

The world's "dirtiest" person did not take a bath for 60 years, but why?

The Dhaka Times Desk A person who goes years without bathing or showering is said to be the 'dirtiest' person in the world. Why did that person not take a bath for 60 years?

He has spent most of his life without bathing, not one day or two days or one month or two months. He spent 60 long years without bathing. During this long time he did not pour water on the body even once. However, we have reported about this person earlier in The Dhaka Times. The man is once again in the news media headlines.

According to the report of 'The Tehran Times', this is a true story of 80-year-old Amu Haji. That is, he spent most of his life without bathing. Not only that, he has serious objection to putting soap and water on his face. When he hears the word 'bathing' he feels crazy!

Dezga is an abandoned village in the Fars district of southern Iran. This old haji wandered in the fields there. The soil layer that has accumulated on his body from so many years of impure body, sometimes he seems like a stone lying on top of nature. This is how the people of the surrounding villages described Haji. There is no one to call this Amu Hazir. It is rumored that Amu Haji chose this life after being hurt by love at a young age.

Everything about Amu being present and eating is strange. He fills his stomach by eating the rotten flesh of the hare. Nature's lap is his bed. The people of the village have made a house with bricks for him to stay. Old Haji stays there sometimes if he wants. Otherwise, wander around.

Another thing is that he has no question of trimming his growing hair and beard. When it seems that the hair and beard have grown, they burn them in fire sometimes. The title of the most 'unclean' people in the world is now available. Earlier this title was won by a 66-year-old Indian, Kailas Singh. Sinhamsha did not give soap and water to his body for 38 years.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৯, ২০১৭ 1:41 pm

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