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The birth of a strange-looking baby! [video]

The odd-shaped baby was born on Sunday at Jahan Private Hospital in Magura

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently a strange-looking baby was born! This child born in Magura is like an old man!

According to media reports, Parul (31), wife of Bishwajitpatra of Bholbaria village of Shalikha upazila of Magura district, gave birth to the strange-shaped child at Jahan Private Hospital in Magura city on Sunday.

It can be seen that the face shape of the born child is very much like an old man. Hospital doctors said that the newborn is completely healthy. Doctors think that the child is suffering from a disease called progeria. But the baby and his mother are completely healthy.

Pediatrician Jayant Kumar Kundu of Magura Sadar Hospital told the media that it can be assumed that the child has this type of problem due to genetics. Doctors have expressed hope that this problem can be solved after growing up. However, the birth of such a child is rarely seen.

Meanwhile, after this incident became known, there was a sensation. Many people throng to catch a glimpse of the child.

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