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The train is running through the building! [video]

A railway station has passed through a 19-story building in Chongqing, China

The Dhaka Times Desk It is only natural that one would be surprised to read such a news. Because the train is running through the building. And the station is inside the building! Watch the video of the amazing train.

This amazing train runs in Chongqing, China. The railway station passed through the 19-storey building of that city. Also the train is running. Such an incident has surprised many people. A report has been published in the Daily Mail.

It is known that the area in Southeast China was a densely populated and mountainous area. Due to which the city did not have enough space for Metrorail. Then various multi-storied buildings and hills were cut and the metro rail route was made.

The city of Chongqing has 49 million people. And it became necessary to provide adequate public transport for the movement of these people. As a result, the city authorities decided to establish an elevated rail line.

But the 19-storey multi-storey building got in the way of this plan. Later, however, engineers solved the problem. For this, train movement has been arranged inside the building. The residents of the building also benefited a lot.

The reason is that the railway station is at their house so it is very convenient to travel. For the convenience of the residents, a railway station has been installed between the 6th to 8th floor of the building.

There was a question in the minds of many whether the movement of this train would cause inconvenience to the residents of the building or not. But the engineers have designed and built it in such a way that there are no complaints of noise pollution and vibration from the occupants of the building. Here the sound of the train is much like the sound of the dishwasher. Due to which the residents of the building do not even notice when the train comes and goes. And so the residents have no complaints!

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