The Dhaka Times
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Nancy's fifth solo album is coming in Baisakh

এই একক অ্যালবামটি কিছুটা ভিন্নভাবে সাজানো হয়েছে। গানের কথা নির্বাচন হতে শুরু করে সুর ও সংগীতে ভিন্নতাতো থাকছে

The Dhaka Times Desk National film award winning singer Nazmun Munira Nancy is coming to the audience on Boishakh with her fifth solo album.

বৈশাখে আসছে ন্যান্সির পঞ্চম একক অ্যালবাম 1

Today's popular singer Nancy has been playing back in singles, mixed albums and movies regularly.

In this regard, Nancy told the media, 'This single album is arranged a little differently. Starting from the choice of lyrics, there are differences in the melody and music.

বৈশাখে আসছে ন্যান্সির পঞ্চম একক অ্যালবাম 2

Nancy wants to keep everything as a surprise about who wrote the songs of this album, who did the music and arrangement, the name of the album and the production company.

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