Categories: Picturesque

One finger test will tell how beautiful you look in the eyes of others!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone would be surprised to hear that. Because only one finger test will tell how beautiful your appearance is in the eyes of others? What is possible?

Cambridge University professor and cosmetic surgeon Doctor Mark Holmes said, 'This one-finger test is reliable up to a certain limit. Homologous tests are also prevalent in medicine. It's called the Ricketts E-Line Test.'

Whatever your perception of your own appearance, understanding what you look like in the eyes of others is a difficult task. Even if someone compliments you for being handsome in person, it is not easy to know how accurate the compliment is. A simple one-finger test known as the 'Beauty and Ugliness Identification Method' is considered by experts to be the easiest way to completely clear your doubts on this matter.

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The above test shows that the woman on the left is beautiful, the woman on the right is not so beautiful

What kind of test is this?

The test became popular on Chinese social media 'Weibo' a few years ago. Many famous Chinese celebrities started uploading their 'finger test' photos on 'Weibo'. It can be seen that some have 'passed' this test and some have 'failed'. That is, according to the test, someone's face is marked as beautiful, and someone else's face is ugly. Gradually this test has become popular in other parts of the world.

How to do this test?

# First hold the index finger of your right hand vertically.
# Then touch the tip of your finger to your snout.
# Now stick the other end of the finger to the tip of your nose.
# Now carefully notice whether the lip is touching your finger or not. If your lips touch your finger, then you are beautiful, if not, then you are not so beautiful.

Does this test actually have any scientific basis?

That is, can this test really say for sure, who is beautiful, and who is ugly. Cambridge University professor and cosmetic surgeon Doctor Mark Holmes said, 'The idea of beauty is entirely dependent on personal taste. What I think is beautiful, may not be beautiful in the eyes of another person. However, in cosmetic medicine, the balance of the right and left sides of the face, or the length of the face side by side, is considered as a measure of beauty. This test can basically act as a determinant of all those parameters. As such, it can be said that this one-finger test is reliable up to a certain limit. Homologous tests are also prevalent in medicine. It's called the Ricketts e-line test.'

But there is nothing wrong with 'failing' this test. 'This test cannot be considered as a final judgment about the beauty of a person. For that reason, just as there is no reason to think of yourself as very handsome if you pass this test, I also see no reason to be depressed if you fail;' This is the comment made by this cosmetic surgeon expert Mark Holmes.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৮, ২০১৭ 8:49 am

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