The Dhaka Times
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Two dogs showed a burning sign of friendship! [video]

Being in the middle of the line, the two dogs were not harmed

The Dhaka Times Desk 'Friendship' is a very ancient aspect of human life. But not only humans but also animals have various signs of friendship. As today's story also tells.

Such events are rarely seen. A dog lies between the railway tracks. He has foot problem. can't get up In such a situation the train comes. But regardless of the train accident or accident, the helpless friend also remained with his companion dog.

Then the train went over them. However, due to being in the middle of the line, the two dogs were not harmed. But it is considered as a sign of friendship. One had no ability to move. He fell between the railway tracks.

The train also came not one, but more than one. Not for one day, but for two days. However, they are not the same. That's what friendship is. References:

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