The Dhaka Times Desk Several US companies import breast milk. On the other hand, Cambodia is the only country in the world that exports breast milk. However, the export of mother's milk is prohibited in Cambodia!
According to a news report from the BBC, the Cambodian government has banned the export of breast milk. That's why Cambodian mothers' milk will never go to the United States again.
Recently, there has been a heated debate in Cambodia about buying and selling breast milk. This breast milk market is created because many poor mothers are willing to sell their milk voluntarily to earn money. With the export ban, the question has now arisen, are women being oppressed or empowered through the sale of breast milk?
It should be noted that for the past two years, an organization called Ambrosia Labs has been collecting excess milk from several mothers. This company was processing this milk and exporting it to the United States. American mothers who have problems producing breast milk are mainly consumers of this milk.
However, some countries around the world operate breast milk banks ('milkbanks'). These are run as grand projects like blood banks. Children who do not get breast milk are supplied with milk from this 'milk bank'.