Categories: Picturesque

The secret of some unusual plane crashes is still unknown to everyone!

The Dhaka Times Desk The most talked about missing plane is Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. There are several other such planes which are still a mystery to the world today.

Who doesn't know about the disappearance of the Malaysian plane and its unusual disappearance! But there are countless more such examples in the pages of history. These planes are still a mystery to people.

Many people know about Malaysia Airlines. The reason why flight MH 370 mysteriously disappeared is still unknown. However, it is known that there were two passengers with fake passports on that plane.

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Not today, in 1944 popular big band leader 'Glenn Miller' went to America's Arm Force for a string performance. The next day, his plane disappeared over the English Channel en route to Paris. Many believe the plane crashed due to the explosion. But the most interesting information is that Miller died of a heart attack!

The next event was in 1945 when the first Bermuda Triangle appeared. The incident involved 14 naval trainees. Charles, an experienced pilot, went missing over Bermuda while en route from Florida. It is known that the plane could not be found due to a sudden change in weather. But it is a ghost but it is true, when another plane was sent to get more information about the plane, it did not return either!

This incident happened in 1947. That year, British Southern Airways' Stardust crashed into the Andes Mountains while flying from Argentina to Santiago. The plane could not reach its destination. According to the study, the plane was hit by an alien device! Fifty years after the incident, two men in Argentina found some of the plane's wreckage.

This incident happened in 1999. Flight 191 crashed shortly after takeoff from Chicago. The strangest thing is that all the planes that were made under this name were destroyed before reaching their destination!

This time a Uruguayan plane crashed in the Andes mountains due to bad weather. Only 16 of the 45 people were alive at the scene but they had to live by eating the corpses of the rest! A movie was also made in 1993 about this story.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৩০, ২০১৭ 1:40 pm

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