Categories: Picturesque

An alien animal has not come to earth!

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA astronaut said why animals from different planets did not come to earth? This NASA astronaut answered a common question from his long space experience.

Alan Bean Niels retired from NASA in 1981. Currently he is spending time with painting. Answering a common question from his long space experience, he recently commented on alien life.

Alan Bin Nils is one of the 12 people who were lucky enough to step on another land outside the world. In 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the Moon aboard Apollo 11. Four months later, Apollo 12 launched into space. Astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean reach the moon as his passengers.

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In 1973, he spent 59 days in space as commander of the second Skylab mission. In 1975, he was also present as a back-up commander in the joint Russian-American Apollo-Soyuz mission.

Alan is now 85 years old. He retired from NASA in 1981. Currently painting is his only work. From his long experience in space, he answered a common question recently. In an exclusive interview given to an Australian news media, Alan said, he does not think that anyone from aliens has ever set foot on Earth. According to him, there is absolutely no civilization equivalent to human civilization anywhere else. Human civilization is very friendly. If aliens had ever really arrived, they certainly wouldn't have been hiding from human society.

Alan also said that he does not believe in the existence of alien life. Life can exist in countless satellites of billions of stars in the universe. But no one has ever come to earth from there, it can be said.

Alan Bin Niles thinks that when aliens came to Earth, they tried to alleviate some of the suffering of humans. The reason is that their civilization is inevitably more advanced than that of humans. Otherwise they would never have crossed space before humans. But nothing like that happened in history.

Note that in 2009, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell said in a UFO press conference that aliens may have visited Earth. He passed away in 2016. With respect to his statement, Alan said that an astronaut's opinion must be accepted as correct, is there any obligation?

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৭, ২০১৭ 2:18 pm

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