The Dhaka Times
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Tarin, Apurba and Urmila are three in a play

The three stars acted together for the first time in NTV's 'Sunflower' serial

The Dhaka Times Desk Tareen, Apurba and Urmila will be seen together in a drama. The three have been seen several times separately. But this is the first time the three are together.

এক নাটকে তারিন, অপূর্ব ও উর্মিলা ওরা তিনজন 1

Tareen has been seen with Apoorva many times. Urmila has also been seen in many dramas with Apoorva as a pair. However, these three people have not been seen together in any drama before. The three stars have acted together for the first time in Nazrul Islam Raju's serial 'Sunflower' which is being aired on NTV.

In this regard, Tareen said, 'The reason for acting in the play is that I like its story very much. Moreover, this is the first time I am playing the role of an electrician in a drama. Which is usually done by boys. That's why it was a challenging role for me to play.'

Apoorva said, 'I act in many serial dramas of which I don't know the complete story. But I know the whole story of the Sunflower series. I know what will or won't happen at any stage of the drama. When the artist works knowing the destination of his character, his immense love for the work is born. So I have a different love for the Sunflower series'.

On the other hand, Urmila said, 'Working in the serial is very fun. We have become like a family. After coming to the campaign, I am getting a great response. This drama series is airing every Monday and Tuesday at 8:20 PM on NTV.

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