Categories: Science-invention

The elevator can go to the moon!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people dream of going to the moon. Especially those who are more addicted to science can dream. However, an Indian student's discovery can be taken to the moon in an elevator. NASA is rewarding that student's idea.

The Indian student really left the dream of going to the moon! The 18-year-old student named Sai Kiran will be awarded by NASA as a gift to fulfill his dream of going to the moon. Kiran placed second in the NASA Ames Space Settlement Contest.

This Indian young man Sai Kiran presented a proposal to build an elevator from the moon to the earth to go to the moon. So that it is easy for people to travel to the moon. Every year NASA, San Jose State University and National Space Society (NSS) organize this special competition. School students from all over the world participated there. Participating students are asked to explain that any method is possible to build a human settlement on the moon.

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Sai Kiran started studying this subject immediately after hearing about this competition. He also researched this from 2013. Even wrote an entire thesis on the subject. Titled 'Connecting Moon, Earth and Space', he explained how an elevator could take people from Earth to the Moon. This 18-year-old student has explained not only about going to the moon, but also about what kind of entertainment there can be, how the government can be run. He said, the length of the elevator will be 40,000 km. That elevator will stick to the moon or the earth.

To be honest, many such ideas may have come to mind. But due to lack of technical explanation, it never became possible to translate it into books. That's what the young man named Sai Kiran from Chennai, India did today.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৬, ২০১৭ 8:38 am

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