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The mind-brain and the body are harming the colored light of the smartphone!

This type of light is also emitted from laptops, TVs, etc

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, smartphones have become the constant companion of people's happiness and sorrow. However, excessive use of smartphones is causing serious damage to the brain, mind and body.

মন-মস্তিষ্ক এবং শরীরের ক্ষতি করছে স্মার্টফোনের রঙিন আলো! 1

Researchers say that blue light is always emitted from smartphones. That's why the operation of the smartphone can be seen clearly even in bright sunlight. This type of light is also emitted from laptops, TVs, etc.

The researchers said that basically this light of the smartphone is made to imitate the light of the sun. Your brain is wired to release a hormone called melatonin as long as there is sunlight, preventing you from falling asleep.

Since sunlight and smartphone light are similar, this light distracts your brain when you use your smartphone at night. The brain starts releasing melatonin during the day, which is why you can't fall asleep or sleep well at night.

Experts have advised in this regard, two to three hours before going to sleep, any type of electronic device should be stopped. Melatonin is released from the pineal gland in the brain. Blue light is considered a major cause of insomnia. So experts blame it on light sensitivity, which is called melanopsin. This melanopsin is found in the cells that communicate with the retinal nerves, which are actually activated by exposure to blue light.

According to the health magazine Bold Sky, the most harmful effect of smartphones is mainly on teenagers. In this respect they are more sensitive than adults. The reason is that teenagers tend to stay up late for smartphones. Because of this, their natural circadian rhythm (adolescent physiological growth) is disrupted during adolescence.

For example, electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi installed at home and smartphones in hand can also cause damage to children's health.

It is necessary to reduce the use of smartphones before going to sleep and turn off all devices like TV, laptop and smartphones before going to sleep.

Another thing you can do. That is you can download Flux from internet. By doing this, the screens of your electronic devices can be adjusted for night and day. This will prevent the light from your electronic device from affecting you.

Researchers say smartphone light disrupts normal sleep cycles. That is why it will be very difficult for you to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning.

Moreover, the effect of excess light at night causes sleep disturbances. Experts believe that it is one of the causes of breast and prostate cancer.

And because of these reasons, if your normal sleep process is disturbed, then the next morning the concentration and attention is greatly reduced, there may be reluctance to work or study. So you should refrain from using smartphone late at night. If you want to live a healthy and beautiful life, you must follow these rules. Otherwise you will have no choice but to blame it on fate.

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