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A young woman's record by stopping the fan with her tongue 32 times a minute! [video]

A young Australian woman stopped a sharp fan blade with her tongue at a game show in Italy

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know how sharp fan blades are. However, a young woman made a world record by stopping the sharp blades with her tongue! You will also be amazed after watching the video.

As the blades of the fan are sharp, a kind of cover is provided in front of the table fan, so that no accidents happen. That is, no one's hand is cut off. If something falls in front of the fan blade that is rotating at a fast speed, it is a normal rule.

But a young Australian woman stopped a sharp fan blade with her tongue at a game show in Italy. The young woman is a circus worker by profession. The girl's name is Jo Ellis.

The female circus worker Jo stopped two very fast 35 watt fans 32 times in one minute. It took the young woman less than two seconds to turn the fan off once. If you stop the fan blade with your hand, where there is a fear of cutting your hand or a major accident, he stops it with his tongue! Joe Ellis has written his name in the Guinness Book of Records by closing the fan with his tongue.

The people present at that game show were shocked to see this action of Joe Ellis. The video of turning off the fan with tongue has gone viral after being released on YouTube.

Watch that video

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