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60 feet under the bridge while taking a selfie!

An accident happened while taking a selfie in California, USA

The Dhaka Times Desk Another accident happened while taking a selfie. A woman fell 60 feet from a bridge while taking a selfie in California, USA. But luckily he survived!

সেলফি তুলতে গিয়ে ৬০ ফুট ব্রিজের নিচে! 1

It is known that a woman had an accident while taking a selfie in the protected area of the 60-foot-high Forest Hill Bridge in Auburn, California.

Paul Ganacharuk, the friend of the woman who suffered the accident, said that she fell due to carelessness. The woman was seriously injured. His bones were broken, but luckily he survived.

Paul Ganacharuk said, they were taking selfies on the bridge. They all held a big beam together. But suddenly his friend lost his balance.

After the woman fell from the bridge, the California police posted a Facebook post to those carrying cameras. That said, taking a little selfie can cost you your life.

This 730 feet long bridge in California is one of the longest bridges in the United States.

The identity of the victim of the accident has not been released. A group of the woman's friends were walking the catwalk under the bridge. While taking a selfie from the bridge, he fell 60 feet.

It is known that the woman was immediately rescued and taken by helicopter to Roseville Medical Center for treatment. According to the post given by California police on Facebook, the woman was very lucky. His fate could have been worse.

It is known that movement under the iron fence is prohibited. Even then, if someone walks, the police arrest him.

Taking selfies and posting them on Facebook is becoming popular day by day. However, the police are more active than before so that no one else falls into such an accident in that area.

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