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This time to divorce the wife of the advertisement in the newspaper!

His divorced wife Mohammad Mushtaquddin was shocked to see the advertisement

The Dhaka Times Desk After the mobile-Whats app, a new pattern of divorce has been seen. An Indian wife was divorced by her Saudi expatriate husband by advertising in the newspaper. That Indian Mohammad Mushtaquddin is working in a bank in Saudi Arabia.

এবার স্ত্রীকে তালাক দেওয়ার জন্য পত্রিকায় বিজ্ঞাপন! 1

According to news media, on the 4th of last month, the person named Mohammad Mushtaquddin informed his wife about divorce by advertising in an Urdu daily in Hyderabad. His divorced wife Mohammad Mushtaquddin was shocked to see the advertisement.

Just 15 days after the publication of the ad, the husband's lawyer called her. Mohammad Mushtaquddin married in 2015. After 5 months of marriage they were living in Saudi Arabia. A daughter was born to them last year. A couple of months ago, Mohammad Mushtaquddin's wife moved to her father's house in Hyderabad after quarreling with her husband.

Mohammad Mushtaquddin was not answering his wife's phone after a few weeks. After that, the woman was forbidden to contact Mohammad Mushtaquddin from her in-laws' house. Even though she had a 10-month-old daughter, the woman was completely devastated after getting a divorce from Mohammad Mushtaquddin by suddenly advertising in the newspaper.

However, the Hyderabad police have accused Mohammad Mushtaquddin of cheating. A complaint was filed that Mohammad Mushtaquddin had tortured his wife for a dowry of Tk 20 lakh, said the police official.

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