The Dhaka Times
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Chanchal Chowdhury and Bhavna's 'Bishful'

Chanchal Chowdhury said, it was so good to hear the story of the drama 'Bishful' that I couldn't do it anymore

The Dhaka Times Desk Drama 'Bishful' directed by Animesh Aich is being produced. Currently popular actor Chanchal Chaudhary and actress Bhavna are acting in this drama.

চঞ্চল চৌধুরী ও ভাবনার ‘বিষফুল’ 1

Chanchal Chowdhury said, 'For the past few weeks, I have been immersed in the character of Misir Ali. I thought that I will not work in any drama before the end of Devi. However, hearing the story of the play 'Bishful' was so good that I couldn't do it anymore.'

On the other hand, Bhavna said, the story of 'Bishful' is a thriller. The story is like this, Chanchal Bhai came to kill me. At one point we both became weak towards each other. But the thought of killing me is stuck in his head.'

চঞ্চল চৌধুরী ও ভাবনার ‘বিষফুল’ 2

About the play, the producer Animesh Aich said that the shooting of the play 'Bishful' has been completed. However, which channel will be broadcast has not been finalised. But next Eid can be seen on any channel.

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