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Model Mithila in Habib's song is coming on Baisakh

This song titled 'Ghoom' is sung by Habib himself. The music video of the song was shot in Cox's Bazar

The Dhaka Times Desk After 13 long years, Mithila became a model in Habib's song. Lata Mungeshkar's popular song 'Maina Go' has been re-arranged by Habib.

বৈশাখে আসছে হাবিবের গানে মডেল মিথিলা 1

This time Mithila became a model in Habib Waheed's song. Lata Mungeshkar's popular song 'Maina Go' has been composed by Habib himself. The song was sung by Julie. Then the music video was made. Rafiyath Rasheed Mithila acted in it. That was 13 years ago.

After that, he became a model again in the music video of Habib's song. This song titled 'Ghoom' is sung by Habib himself. The music video of the song was shot in Cox's Bazar.

It is said that this song titled 'Ghoom' will be released on the occasion of Paila Boishakh. In this regard, Mithila said, 'We shot this song like shooting a big budget movie'.

বৈশাখে আসছে হাবিবের গানে মডেল মিথিলা 2

Anyone who sees it will think it is a movie song. About the song, Mithila also said, 'I am not a model in the music video'. I thought, let's try something different. I participated in the music video from that idea. It is a very different kind of work. This is a 1st Boishakh gift for my fans.'

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