The Dhaka Times
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Confessions to wife-kids: I am a victim of a conspiracy- Shakib Khan [VIDEO]

Apu Biswas is my wife as she is the mother of my child. And her position as the mother of my child is very high

The Dhaka Times Desk Apu Biswas and his son Abraham have been doing various speculations for the last two days across the country. Criticism started after appearing on Apur's live TV program. Finally, Shakib Khan came on live TV channel and recognized his wife and children and termed the situation as a conspiracy.

স্ত্রী-সন্তানকে স্বীকৃতি: আমি একটি ষড়যন্ত্রের শিকার হয়েছি- শাকিব খান [ভিডিও] 1

In a live interview given to Independent TV, Shakib Khan spoke a lot. He takes his children seriously and recognizes his wife and children.

Shakib Khan said in his interview, I wanted to bring Shakib Khan's son with a presentation like Shakib Khan. But it did not happen due to any conspiracy. It is only because of Abraham that I have accepted many things. I love my sun.

স্ত্রী-সন্তানকে স্বীকৃতি: আমি একটি ষড়যন্ত্রের শিকার হয়েছি- শাকিব খান [ভিডিও] 2

In response to a question about the status of Apu Biswas, Shakib Khan said, Apu Biswas is my wife as she is the mother of my child. And her position as the mother of my child is very high. Shakib Khan spoke a lot more in his interview.

Watch the interview live on The Independent

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