The Dhaka Times
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A wonderful evening of Shakib and Apu Baisakh! [video]

This video was released yesterday. This brought a sigh of relief to the fans

The Dhaka Times Desk After many stories about the two popular couples of the film for the past one year, this time the couple has met. They are united again. And this Baisakh brought them a wonderful evening!

After the issue of marriage and children with Apu became public, various stories have appeared in the news in the last few days. And so a turbulent situation was created with Shakib Khan and Apu Biswas. But the fans had only one wish, let them unite. May this couple live happily with the child. At last it seems that is going to happen. At least this video from 1st Baisakh gives at least that hint. And this video was released yesterday. This brought a sigh of relief to the fans.

They spent the evening of the first day of Bengali New Year in a unique way. Shakib Khan, Apu Biswas and son Abraham Khan Joy spent a wonderful evening together on the first day of Baisakh.

Watch that video

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