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This is a DJ show at the top of the Himalayas!

A DJ show was organized at the 17,600 feet high base camp of Mount Everest

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to people's interest in the Himalayas. For ages, the Himalayas have meant a different feeling. DJ show was organized in the Himalayas! And now everyone's eyes are on that news.

এবার হিমালয় চূড়ায় হলো ডিজে শো! 1

According to media sources, a DJ show has been organized at the 17,600 feet high base camp of Mount Everest. Paul Oakenfold did this to raise awareness about global warming and to raise money for the poor. The three-time Grammy Award-nominated British DJ superstar is organizing the event on the initiative of a recording company.

Paul had to take extra precautions to organize such a DJ party on the lap of Everest. Nepali DJ Ranjen Jha, Paul's assistant, said, 'Most of the audience had to sit and listen. The reason is that due to the thinness of the air layer in the Himalayas, there was a possibility of oxygen deficiency there.

Paul Oakenfold has been in the DJing profession for over three decades. He has teamed up with Irish bands like Madonna and U2. He believed that such an exceptional event would contribute significantly to creating awareness about global warming.

Meanwhile, as the suitable season for mountain climbing begins, the number of adventurers in Nepal is gradually increasing. The 53-year-old DJ organized the 'Highest Party on Earth' in 1967, reviving his DJ show 'Summer of Love', which revolutionized British youth, on the beaches of Ibiza in 1967. Paul Oakenfold has announced that the money collected from this party will be used to rehabilitate those affected by the terrible earthquake in Nepal in 2015.

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