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Madrasa students in the movement to stop cow slaughter in India! [video]

Madrasah authorities have also appealed to the Indian government to stop cow slaughter and to recognize cows as national animals!

The Dhaka Times Desk A madrasa in Sambal, Uttar Pradesh, India, has been protesting for almost 6 years not to slaughter cows. Cows are sacred animals for Hindus who give milk and save lives by consuming milk. That's why cow is very sacred animal for Hindus.

According to media reports, the madrasa authorities have also appealed to the Indian government to stop cow slaughter and to recognize the cow as a national animal. Madrasa authorities have also strongly demanded to stop buying and selling of animals that give milk.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath raised a theme that 'cow slaughter has not stopped in our state'. A special request was also made to the relevant ministry for the initiative to stop illegal slaughterhouses in Uttar Pradesh.

It should be noted that there has been a lot of anger and protest in India recently over cow slaughter. Cow slaughter has already been banned in many states of the country. Because of that many reactions occur. However, this is the first time that Muslims have joined with Hindus.

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