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Shakib-Bubli's 'Rangbaaz' finally started shooting

This picture caused a stir. It is heard that Apu Biswas is again in the film 'Rangbaaz'

The Dhaka Times Desk There have been many stories about the film 'Rangbaaz'. Apu Biswas and Shakib Khan were supposed to shoot in this film. But the shooting was stopped due to Apu's sudden withdrawal. However, after overcoming all the obstacles, the shooting started with Bubli.

অবশেষে শুটিং শুরু শাকিব-বুবলীর ‘রংবাজ’ 1

Shakib-Apu's 'life' has added a new dimension around this 'Rangbaaz' film. And finally the shooting of that film started. Because Apu signed a contract with this film before Biswas was rejected. But the future of the film became uncertain due to Apu's absence. Later it is heard that Bubli is being filmed. Everything is fine. But suddenly Apu Biswas appeared. And then there was a fuss about this picture. It is heard that Apu Biswas is again in 'Rangbaaz' and Bubli is going out. A storm started between Apu and Shakib couple over the issue. Later the film work started with Bubli due to Dafarfa.

The director of the film, Shamim Ahmed Rani, has already said that the shooting of the film 'Rangbaaz' will begin in Pabna from the afternoon of April 17. That's how we prepared.'

It is reported that the hero of the film Shakib Khan will go to Rajshahi by plane from Dhaka. Shabnam Bubli is acting opposite Shakib in this film.

অবশেষে শুটিং শুরু শাকিব-বুবলীর ‘রংবাজ’ 2

It is known that the shooting of the film 'Rangbaaz' will be done till May 2 at Pabna location. The rest of the shooting will be done in various locations in Kolkata and Switzerland.

Rajtav Dutt, Nutan, Sadek Bachchu and others are also acting in the film 'Rangbaaz'. It is known that Kolkata's Venkatesh Films is jointly producing the film with Ruprang Films of Bangladesh.

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