The Dhaka Times Desk India, which is known as a constitutionally secular country in South Asia, has been identified as the fourth worst country in the world in violence and conflict over religious issues.
The country's position is behind Pakistan-Afghanistan. Although constitutionally there is a peaceful coexistence of people of all religions in India, the actual situation is quite different.
The US survey organization 'Pew Research Center' published the results of a survey on 198 countries in the world on April 11. In terms of the level of social disorder and religious violence seen in it, the name of Syria is at the top of the previous list of India's country of 1.3 billion people. Nigeria and Iraq are second and third in the list.
According to the data of the survey, in the previous three years, in 2015, not only the incidents of violence in India based on religion have increased, but also the incidence of government interference and restrictions on the religious rights of minorities in the country, and the incidence of social unrest around religion has also increased greatly.
Apart from this, caste-hate crimes, violence, communal violence and religious-based terrorism, harassment and conversion of women for not dressing according to religious rules have also happened during the current hardline Hindutva party BJP government.
Syria, which is at the top of the list, has a score of 9.2. India's points are 8.7. Among the 5 worst countries in religious tolerance is Middle Eastern hotbed Israel, with a score of 8.2. India's arch-rival Pakistan is also at the tenth place in the list with 7.2 points.