Categories: Picturesque

Know some cities where women are not safe at all!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is true that women have engaged themselves in various jobs including offices and courts, and the incidents of violence against women have also increased in recent times. There is a report about some cities where women are not safe at all.

It can be said that awareness has increased among people in today's world. However, along with that awareness, various obstacles have increased especially in the movement of women. For example, the rate of rape is increasing day by day. Incidents like violence against women are happening, women are being bribed and raped on the streets. Because of this, women are not protected at all in any corner of the world. However, recently Thomson Reuters Foundation conducted a survey on this issue. About 6,550 women were studied. It shows that there are 6 cities in the world where the transport system is not safe for women at all.


India's New Delhi comes first in the list of unsafe cities. If a woman wants to walk here alone, it is not possible at all. Not at all, especially after dusk. 2.5 crore people live in New Delhi. It is the second largest capital in the world in terms of population.


On the other hand, the name of the city of Bogotá in Colombia is on the first place in the list of the most dangerous transport systems for women. According to the survey, about 96 lakh people live in this city. But despite this the bus or train service in this city is very poor. It has been seen that if a woman travels alone in a bus or train at night, she has to be sexually harassed or robbed.

Mexico City

About 2.1 million people live in Mexico City. It is the capital of Mexico. However, despite being a civilized city, the women of this city are not protected. Women who travel by public transport in this city are regularly molested and physically assaulted.


About 62 million people live in Lima, the capital of Peru. This city, however, is under an underdeveloped country. However, one-third of the city's population lives below the poverty line. That is why the transport system here is very dangerous for women. Robbery, sexual harassment or molestation is a daily occurrence in this city.


Jakarta is a city in Indonesia. The communication system here is very bad. The country's government has already faced widespread criticism due to incidents of sexual harassment of women in public transport. That's why separate arrangements have been made for women to sit in trains and buses. Pickpocketing in buses is quite common here.

Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia

The city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia is very popular in terms of tourism. But the image of this city is the same. It is seen that no woman is absolutely safe in this city at night.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৮, ২০১৭ 10:48 am

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