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Walton's laptop can be bought in installments of only 4,966 rupees!

The cash price of this laptop with 14 inch HD LCD display is Tk 22 thousand 990

The Dhaka Times Desk A laptop worth 22 thousand 990 rupees can be bought in easy installments of only 4,966 rupees. The new laptop of Walton's Tamarind series WT14B71G model.

মাত্র ৪,৯৬৬ টাকার কিস্তিতে কেনা যাবে ওয়ালটনের ল্যাপটপ! 1

It is known that the cash price of this laptop with 14 inch HD LCD display is Tk 22 thousand 990. A press release of the company informed that customers can buy this laptop in installments. Walton authorities have taken this decision by thinking about the ability of the customers.

Moreover, Tamarind, Passion, Keronda and other models of Waxjambu series laptops can be purchased in 12 months installments with only 20 percent down payment.

This model from the Tamarind series includes:

6 GHz Intel sixth generation processor
500 GB hard disk drive
Intel 405 built-in HD graphics
4-cell lithium-ion battery, capable of providing up to 5 hours of power backup.

The weight of this new laptop is only 1.8 kg. Also, the multitasking and advanced gaming facilities of Waxjambu and Keronda series Core-i seven processor laptops can be purchased in 3-month installments or in cash.

All Walton laptops have 2 years warranty. This high-quality laptop is available at all Walton Plazas and sales points in the country. This is what the company said through a press release.

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