Categories: Picturesque

A woman's hand stuck in the commode because of kiptemi!

The Dhaka Times Desk Which is called Bone Keep. A similar incident has started in Houston, America. An American woman got her hand stuck in a toilet commode.

Finally he was rescued by calling the fire service to rescue him. The woman named Gracie Henderson has recently become a resident of New Caney, Houston, America. He has moved to a new house. For some reason the commode line was blocked. Even after flashing, the dirt does not go away. So what to do in this case? In such a situation, anyone will call an expert in the relevant subject - that is the rule. But what is called kiptemo. That is, maybe Gracie wanted to do the work himself to save costs.

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He used his hands instead of using a plunger or anything else. He put his hand inside the commode! At that time he had a watch in his hand. The watch got stuck in the U-shaped fold of the commode. He could not get his hand out in any way.

In the end, the fire service was informed. Fire service personnel came running. They also could not get the hand out. The entire commode was forcibly removed from the bathroom. The hand was still stuck! Later, the commode was broken and the hand was brought out!

However, Gracie was not injured. This woman gave a visual proof of what the results of kiptemi can be.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২১, ২০১৭ 6:40 pm

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