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Apple campus can be seen outside the tree!

Apple will need 3 thousand trees in this new campus. The transit center will be planted with trees as requested by Apple

The Dhaka Times Desk The company is buying a lot of trees for Apple's new campus. In a word, it can be said that a tree has been created here.

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However, other tree buyers in California are in danger. According to the report of the US media CNBC, the new transit center for trees has been taken on the Apple campus in this area. Architects estimate that 469 trees will come from the transit center.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Apple will need 3,000 trees on its new campus. The transit center will be planted with trees as requested by Apple.

US tech giant Apple has turned its attention to the environment in recent years. Apple has already taken several initiatives to reduce environmental pollution and improve the climate. This time they are making the new campus environment friendly.

The newly constructed campus will be opened at a cost of 5 billion USD in April this year. It is reported that it will take more than 6 months to transfer more than 12 thousand employees to this new campus built on 175 acres of land.

Apple named this circular structure 'Apple Park'. However, it is several months behind schedule for construction.

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