The Dhaka Times Desk Gabriella Roberts, just 5 years old, won 60 medals! This baby is not just an ordinary baby girl, so far she has won the title of the best beauty 60 times!
But this is not the end of his story. To continue her beauty streak, Roberts' mother has also spent around 6 million rupees in Indian currency on her lifestyle! Gabriella entered the glamor lane at just 4 months old from Pennsylvania, USA.
Her 27-year-old mother, Lacey, has introduced her daughter to the artistic lifestyle of living at a cost of thousands of dollars, giving her all the facilities. Her mother said she indulged her daughter's expensive hobbies but was always happy to see a smile on her face.
One can only wonder what kind of preparation such a pageant might take and how Lycee copes with the huge financial burden or does it come easily. Lisi said Gabriela has a coach who works two weeks before each pageant. Every day he makes Gabriela practice for half an hour.
The last time they spent at the pageant was about $937, which covered entry fees, her clothes, and her hotel stay. But usually they have to spend from 270 dollars to 796 dollars in each pageant. Last time Gabriela's dress cost 1600 dollars. Which was his favorite dress. Gabriela is growing up every day due to her young age. So his clothes are auctioned after few days. So it is not too difficult to buy clothes again and again.
According to Times of India, after winning an event at the age of just 4 months, Gabriel's name spread around the world. After that, he never looked back. So he has equally participated in all the competitions and till now at the age of 5 he has won 60 events!
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২২, ২০১৭ 9:37 pm
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