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Shami Kaiser has now become a candidate for the post of director in the FBCCI elections

This panel has given 18 candidates each from the Chamber and Association. This election will be held on May 14

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actress Shami Kaiser has been a candidate for the director post of FBCCI, the top business organization for the term 2017-19. Shami will be selected from the panel of the Combined Democratic Businessmen's Unity Council.

শমী কায়সার এবার এফবিসিসিআই নির্বাচনে পরিচালক পদে প্রার্থী হলেন 1

Shafiul Islam Mohiuddin is the candidate for president of this panel of Shami Kaiser. He is currently serving as the first vice-chairman of the committee. Earlier, Shami Kaiser became a member and voter of FBCCI General Council, an organization based on e-commerce.

The panel for selection was announced last Thursday at Purvani Hotel in the capital. This panel has given 18 candidates each from the Chamber and Association. This election will be held on May 14.

শমী কায়সার এবার এফবিসিসিআই নির্বাচনে পরিচালক পদে প্রার্থী হলেন 2

Awami League President's private sector adviser Salman F Rahman, Dhaka North Mayor Anisul Haque, FBCCI former president AK Azad, Kazi Akram Uddin Ahmed, Mir Nasir Hossain and many others were present at the panel announcement ceremony.

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