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Two sisters in the same body for 16 years!

The exception is their body. Carmen and Lupita are conjoined twins

The Dhaka Times Desk Two sisters in the same body for 16 years! The names of these two sisters are Carmen and Lupita. They have one heart, two hands, one lung, but the rest of their body is one except for their rib cage.

১৬ বছর ধরে একই দেহে দুই বোন! 1

Carmen and Lupita, two teenagers from Connecticut in the United States, are nothing like the demands of life. They want to do homework like five other girls of the same age. They want to hang out with friends, get two driving licenses. In fact, their thoughts and actions are not exceptional at all. The exception is their body. Carmen and Lupita are conjoined twins.

It is known that Carmen and Lupita each have one heart, two hands, one lung, but the rest of their body is one rib cage. Their digestive systems, even genitalia, are common. They learn to walk at the age of four. After that, it was not done because there was a possibility of danger.

১৬ বছর ধরে একই দেহে দুই বোন! 2

16 long years have passed. Now again the doctors are shaking about the issue of Carmen and Lupita. Their statement is that if they are not separated at this time, danger may arise for both of them.

However, in an interview given to the international media, both Carmen and Lupita said that they did not like this surgery. The reason is that the life they have been accustomed to for these 16 years, if they are separated from each other, they will break down mentally.

১৬ বছর ধরে একই দেহে দুই বোন! 3

Apart from fear of surgery, another fear haunts Carmen and Lupita's family. That is, this family came from Mexico. President Trump's opposition to Mexican refugees continues to haunt them. Orders to leave America could come any day. Carmen and Lupita Andrade's family is worried about that. If they leave America, these twins will be deprived of medical services there. They are now afraid of what will happen in the day of trouble.

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