The Dhaka Times Desk Do we really have no knowledge of the size of the universe? What a vast and infinite expanse of the universe! In that infinite world, people will see the unseen, the largest X-ray machine has been discovered!
There are many secrets hidden in the molecular structure of the smallest things in this universe! Seeing and knowing these will reveal many mysteries. Now the scientists have made that arrangement. The world's largest X-ray laser machine has been discovered under the European XFEL project. Scientists were busy finishing all the work several days ago. Now it is completely ready.
It was developed by scientists at the Daisy (DESY) Research Center near Hamburg, Germany. Scientists from Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland work together on this topic. Through this machine, the molecular structure of any object can be clearly seen. A job that was only a dream before. As previously stated, this X-ray laser machine can fire electrons at speeds of up to 2.1 kilometers or 1.3 miles. Already the dye beam has been fired through the machine which has been able to pick up the desired speed. This European XFEL machine can produce 27 thousand x-ray flashes in just one second! These flashes are so powerful that they will reveal images of molecular structures that have never been seen or imagined before. In fact, it is really difficult to see this world at the micro level. But now it can be done. Now it will be possible to carry forward the research work in various fields more successfully. For example, it will be possible to see the structure of common disease-causing germs or viruses more closely. It will be possible to add something new and successful to medical science. Thus, the deeper we can see the world, the more our knowledge will increase. Scientists think that the more human civilization will advance.
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১১, ২০১৮ 10:52 pm
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