Smartphone addiction can cause problems

The Dhaka Times Desk Anything in excess is not good. Excessive use of smartphones or tablets is also not good for health. It can cause various physical problems.

Smartphone use is causing pressure in the thumb? You do not look at that at all! Now you have to pay attention, or your thumb and even your hand may become useless.

Many people experience wrist pain due to excessive smartphone use. Sometimes it causes excruciating pain. Excessive use of your hands on touch screens, as well as excessive texting, can trigger this disease.

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According to a recent study in Spain, 130 grams of people who spend 6 hours a day using their mobile phones for messaging, WhatsApp or Messenger are more likely to have constant wrist pain. This is called 'whatsappitis' which can gradually turn into 'carpal tunnel syndrome'.

Because of this, pain or discomfort can usually be felt in the wrist-joint. Apart from this, there are various symptoms like not being able to work for a long time, spreading pain in the muscles of the hand, feeling numb in the hand. In addition, pain increases at night, hand stiffness or lack of strength in hand - these problems are also seen.

Fingers, wrists can be severely affected due to nerve damage. If you don't stop moving your finger constantly to use WhatsApp or Messenger, your thumb can become useless.

Fingers of the hand that moves more may turn pink. According to a recent study in Australia, the condition of the fingers depends on the weight of the smartphone.

They said that the size of smartphones is increasing day by day. Due to which the thumb has to travel a long distance in messaging. It puts a lot of pressure on the thumb and index finger.

Thus, as the pain increases, your hand may gradually become useless. So be on time. Avoid excessive use of smartphones.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৩, ২০২১ 10:06 pm

Staff reporter

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