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Learn some fun facts about laughter

One person's smile cannot match another's smile. Everyone's smile is different

The Dhaka Times Desk Laughing makes you feel good. Not only that, if you are happy, no disease can attack you. Here are some fun facts about laughter today.

One person's smile cannot match another's smile. Everyone's smile is different. This difference may also be due to differences in teeth or lips. But there are some interesting facts about laughter that you may have never thought about. There are some funny things about laughter today.

Laughter releases endorphins

When you smile, even if it's forced, your body releases feel-good hormones endorphins, which help you feel good.

Laughter lowers blood pressure

A research report published in the journal Canadian Family Physician suggests that laughing increases endorphin levels and lowers blood pressure. Lower blood pressure means lower risk of heart disease. So it can be said that laughter can help save lives.


Smiling is a facial exercise

All 26 muscles in your facial gums get a good workout when you smile heartily – says UK-based face yoga expert Daniel Collins.

19 types of smile

Some smile, some laugh. Again Keoba laughs. According to a research report published in the journal Psychological Reports, there are 19 different types of smiles, from humble to overjoyed.

Smile supplements help improve your oral health!

Just like there are supplements for your overall health or skin health, there are also supplements for the smile. New York dentist Dr. Laughter supplements are rich in antioxidants that stimulate the immune system and strengthen overall oral health, says Nikita Goyal.

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