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New malware attacks are spreading around the world

Files on computer, laptop. The file cannot be opened until the money is paid!

The Dhaka Times Desk Britain's NHS hacking malware is spreading all over the world. This virus is spreading in the computers of several companies and individuals in Europe, Asia.

নতুন ম্যালওয়্যার অ্যাটাক বিশ্বে ছড়িয়ে পড়ছে 1

Due to this virus the files in computer, laptop are getting damaged. The file cannot be opened until the money is paid!

The virus first attacked the system of Britain's National Health Service. According to experts, Spain and Russia have been hit hardest by the virus so far. This virus is capable of causing more damage than the NHS.

That's exactly what Travis Faral, director of security strategy at Anamoly Labs, a cybersecurity firm, says. If you pay, their computer or laptop files will be recovered!

According to the report, the malware called Wanna Decryptor was commonly used by cyber security experts a few days ago. But what is spreading is the updated version of this malware.

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