Categories: Picturesque

A heart-wrenching story of life-saving crocodile rescue! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk There has been a heart-rending incident of rescuing a crocodile risking its life. Farmers risked their lives to rescue a crocodile from the mud, the most ferocious animal!

The incident took place in Karnataka, India. A crocodile got stuck in the water-dried muddy land in the Kothi area there. The crocodile began to struggle helplessly while stuck in the mud. Farmers of the area saw this helpless crocodile.

The farmers instead of being scared of the crocodile came forward to help him. They could also get stuck in the muddy ground. After being rescued, the crocodile could have attacked them.

But regardless of all those dangers, the farmers jumped in to save the helpless animal. Rescued the crocodile from the mud trap with utmost care. After rescuing, they brought the muddy animal to dry land and laid it down.

Later, the crocodile was brought to a dry place, bathed in clean water, tied with a rope and released into the river. Seeing this magnanimity of the farmers, all the locals applauded.

Watch the video of the crocodile rescue

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১১, ২০১৮ 8:32 pm

Staff reporter

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