The Dhaka Times
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Smartphones charged in 5 minutes will be available next year!

The production of this phone is expected to start in early 2018

The Dhaka Times Desk By 2018, a smartphone that can be fully charged in 5 minutes can reach the customer. An Israeli start-up demonstrated this technology in 2015.

আগামী বছর পাওয়া যাবে ৫ মিনিটে চার্জ হওয়া স্মার্টফোন! 1

Doron Myersdorff, chief executive of, told the BBC that production of the phone is expected to begin in early 2018.

However, technology expert Ben Woods says there is a lot of doubt about such technology. There is no information about which manufacturing company will make this smartphone that charges in 5 minutes.

According to BBC news, in this technology there will be very fast ion transfer from the anode to the cathode and the company also said that nano materials are being used here.

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