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Finding giant animals on the beach in Indonesia! [video]

Marine scientists have started researching from where the giant animal washed up on the beaches of Indonesia

The Dhaka Times Desk A strange giant animal has washed up on the beach in Indonesia. The color of the water turns red as soon as this huge animal floats!

ইন্দোনেশিয়া সমুদ্র সৈকতে দৈত্যাকার প্রাণীর সন্ধান! [ভিডিও] 1

This incident created a sensation in the area. Many people think that the 'monster' floating on the beach of Maluk area in Indonesia is actually a whale. Its name is Balin Timi. However, marine scientists have started researching where the giant animal floated to the beach in Indonesia.

According to media reports, recently a fisherman first saw the mysterious animal. At first he did not understand anything. Then the locals informed the administration. Marine scientists rushed to the spot after receiving the news.

After research, the researchers said that the mysterious 50-foot-long monstrous animal that floated in Maluku is actually a kind of giant whale.

Look at that giant creature

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