The Dhaka Times
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This time Alvira Emu is the heroine of Alamgir

It is reported that Arifin Shubh will also be seen opposite Emu in the movie 'Generation Gap'

The Dhaka Times Desk Newcomer Alvira Imu is the heroine of once popular hero Alamgir in the movie 'Generation Gap' directed by GM Sarwar.

এবার আলমগীরের নায়িকা হচ্ছেন আলভিরা ইমু 1

It is reported that Arifin Shubh will also be seen opposite Emu in the movie 'Generation Gap'.

Regarding the film 'Generation Gap', Alvira Emu said, "After hearing the story of the film, I thought it would be a good job. There has never been a movie on such a story in Bangladesh before. The audience will like the film very much.'

Alvira Emu said, 'The director told me that Alamgir sir and Arifin Shuvo might be cast opposite me. Already talked to Alamgir sir. On the other hand, Arifin Shubo is now out of the country. The decision will be made when he returns to the country.'

Notably, newcomer Alvira Imu is acting in two more films named 'Gopan Sanket' and 'Khushi'.

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