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Alleged 'Islamists' stoned a loving couple to death in Mali!

This is the first incident since the jihadist group captured the region. In March 2012, jihadists captured the main cities in northern Mali

The Dhaka Times Desk An unmarried couple has been stoned to death by alleged 'Islamists' in northern Mali!

কথিত ‘ইসলামপন্থীরা’ মালিতে এক প্রেমিক যুগলকে পাথর ছুঁড়ে হত্যা করেছে! 1

The stone pelting incident took place in Tagli last Tuesday. The area is located near the Aguelhoc area of Kidal.

This is the first incident since the jihadist group captured the region. In March 2012, jihadists captured the main cities in northern Mali.

A local official said, "Islamists killed the woman and man by throwing stones into two pits. It is alleged that they were living together out of wedlock.

The official also said that people were also urged to participate in the killing by pelting stones. Four people started throwing stones at the couple until they died.

Another local official said the Islamists accused the unmarried couple of violating 'Sharia law'. According to Islamic Sharia, the punishment for this crime is death by stoning.

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