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Know some solutions to get rid of gastric

Check out these completely side effect free solutions to prevent or get rid of gastric ulcers

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, it is almost difficult to find a person who does not have gastric problems. Because nowadays the incidence of gastric is increasing due to adulterated food. Know how to get rid of gastric.

Everyone is worried about gastric problems. Another reason for this is that this problem becomes more pronounced when Ramadan or Eid comes. Because at this time the tendency of gastric is seen more due to eating fried foods. Get to know these completely side effect free solutions to prevent or get rid of this gastric tendency today.

Medicinal properties of ginger

There are many virtues of realization. This ginger is able to solve gas problem, heartburn, digestion problem and acidity problem quickly. Raw ginger can be chewed or ginger juice can be extracted and drunk. Boiling ginger in water and drinking it like tea can solve the problem.

Baking soda regulates stomach acid levels

Baking soda can control stomach acid levels. Specially helps to get immediate relief from gastric problems. So mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. You can get good results.

Guava leaves

Guava leaves are very beneficial. Boil guava leaves in 2 cups of water. When the water is 1 cup, strain it and drink it. It can also be very beneficial.

Raw potato juice

Raw potato juice is very beneficial. So cut raw potatoes into slices, sprinkle some salt on top and keep it overnight. Next day extract this potato juice and drink it. Drinking half a cup of potato juice at least three times a day can give very good results.

Turmeric leaves

Chop turmeric leaves and mix it with milk and drink it daily. This can solve stomach pain and gas problems.


Cinnamon works very easily to solve gastric problems. Cinnamon helps reduce acidity problems. Additionally, cinnamon reduces inflammation and is especially helpful in eliminating bacteria. Add cinnamon powder to coffee, milk or oatmeal to get better results from gastritis. It will be very beneficial.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can provide instant relief from gastric problems. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. You will benefit from it.

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